
vincet, 這個是專為你而設的,開始的時候是因為太掛念你,又無處可訴。我不願意忘記和你一起的那極細碎的片段,雖然你從來不會留下隻字片語,之前我給你的每封電郵亦可能已經遺失....我不希望這些片段就這樣子消失在空氣裡,畢竟它是我人生中的唯一。 那段沒有人知道我身處在地球的另一方,彩虹卻在這短暫的片刻間出現我的眼前,而且不止一次。你知道嗎?每次見面時我都像不在乎,其實心裡熾熱得很;每次你說已經找到真愛,我流的淚多得自己也不敢相信。 雖然最後我的希望還是落空了,但是知道你現在的生活過得好,對我來說,最痛苦的已經過去了,現在我可以放下這段感情,懷著對你點點的依戀,在這裡做個記念。

Monday, January 15, 2007


當香港話劇團第一次公演傾城之戀時, 我已經想睇, 到梁家輝主演時,我立即想到如果能同你一起看,多好!
我仍然想有機會看到, 但我仍然只想要和你.....

Thursday, January 11, 2007

you were there

有一首歌, 心儀已久, 不知道原曲是誰唱, 但有大提琴伴奏的旋律非常優怨,歌詞又每每讓我想起你, 這裡與你分享歌詞內容:

you were there

I guess you've heard, I guess you know
in time I might have told you
but I guess I'm too slow
that 't overly romantic
but I know that it's real
I hope you dont mind if I say what I feel
it's like I'm in somebody else 's dream
this could not be happening to me

but you were there
and you were everything I'd never seen
you woke me me up from this
long and empty sleep I was alone
I opened my eyes and you were there

dont be alarmed. no, dont be concerned
I dont want to change things
leave them just as they were
I mean nothing's really different
it's me who feels strange
I'm always ost for words when someone mentions your name
I know that I'll get over this for sure
I'm not the type who dreams there could be more

can I take your smile home with me or the magic in your hair

the rain has stopped
the storm has passed
look at all the colors
now the sun 's here at last
I suppose that you'll be leaving
but I want you to know
part of you stays with me even after you go
like an actor playing someone else's scene
this could not be happening to me

but you were there
and you were everything I'd never seen
you woke me up from this long and endless sleep I was alone
I opened my eyes and now I'm not alone
no , I'm not alone
I opened my eyes and you were there

Saturday, January 06, 2007



終於收到你的電話了, 我開心得不知怎反應, 你一開口便是聖誕快樂, 我一邊高興一邊懷疑你是否已經發現了這個blog而且剛好讀到昨日那段, 所以第二天起床便收到你來電....

可是每次我到了這個時候卻不懂得好好利用這難得的機會, 一時間不知道要跟你說些甚麼, 就是現在我也不清楚我們在短短的幾分鐘內講了甚麼, 但是也讓我今天的心情由複雜變愉快, 因為你今早唱了兩句歌給我聽, 雖然不知道是什麼歌, 不知怎的很讓我感動。

晚上又接到你的來電, 這次原來是你工作上的問題, 而且還對自己發了點脾氣, 我有點心疼, 卻不知可以怎樣為你抒解。 原來我們真的活在不同的生活裡。

anyway, 我就把這天當作是你給我的生日禮物罷, 多謝你, vincent, 雖然你沒有記著。

Friday, January 05, 2007


已經又有一段日子沒有再收到你的電話, 你好嗎?
聖誕新年快樂! 很想對你說這幾句祝福語, 因為一次機會也沒有, 就在這裡當你已聽了算。
百無聊賴, 番看隨腦付送的世界圖片, 都是些風景優美而且地形奇特的相片, 很難猜想是在地球上那個地方拍攝, 但是這些風景照卻令我想起初認識你時, 我們在地鐡車廂內, 你說起你在加拿大讀書時曾經一個人搭單車旅行, 你那時見到的畫面有這麼美麗嗎?
那次應該是我第一次和你的「長談」, 從來沒有人可以讓我自由地傾偈....